多年前國中健康教育課本雖然有兩章(第十四章和第十五章)是講男女的生殖器官,但健康教育老師大多都跳過這兩章,要學生自己回家讀。沒想到女生们長大之後,竟然都是第一任男朋友教她們「實戰版」健康教育! !  真是世態炎涼、人心不古、悔不當初、做繭自縛、謦竹難書.....。其實這本「性愛聖經」多年前人們可能看得瞠目結舌,現在呢? 有點像是健康教育的教科書了。




新性愛聖經 增列網路性交

1972年出版的「性愛聖經」(The Joy of Sex )曾經風靡一時,當時賣出了數百萬本。不過30多年後、就在這個月的8日,「性愛聖經」改版後重出江湖,內容改由女性執筆,雖加入新內容,但在馬背上、行駛中的機車上做愛的內容都被刪去。



【2008/09/13 聯合報】



性愛聖經 The Joy of Sex         

dala sex003
ISBN: 957-28449-9-7
定 價:1200元 特價799元
作 者:艾力克‧康弗 (Alex Comfort)
翻譯 :許佑生
開 數:十六開,部分彩頁,雙色印刷,精裝,封膠膜,限
頁 數:304 頁



‧ 美國《Library Journal》圖書雜誌調查,什麼樣的書在圖書館最容易失竊,在紐約市立圖書館,它的失竊率僅低於聖經。而根據全美74間市立圖書館統計,《性愛聖經》的失竊率始終高居榜上。的確,性愛書籍自有一定的吸引力,但是沒有一本比得過《性愛聖經》。

‧ 1972年這本書出版後,引起社會轟動,在那保守的年代,作者不僅開風氣之先,在書中宣揚性愛的美好,還提供了詳細的圖文解說。在這30多年間,內容陸續更新,在全球已經銷售超過八百萬本,這項輝煌紀錄還沒有任何一本性書可以比擬。


艾力克‧康弗 (Alex Comfort)(1920~2000)


「性愛聖經」新版上市 介紹21世紀性觀念 
更新日期:2008/09/12 15:30
(法新社倫敦十二日電) 曾經在一九七零年代被奉為床邊葵花寶典的「性愛聖經」一書,經過改版後推出適合二十一世紀的新版本,並添加新的相關知識。







這本新版書有兩百八十八頁,出版商Mitchell Beazley表示,這本書「反應出當前對性的態度,同時幫忙找回性關係的樂趣」。


本則新聞由法新社提供 2008/09/12


Sex: The Joy of Sex is back, tweaked for the noughties

by Michael Thurston
Thu Sep 11, 12:36 PM ET
LONDON (AFP) - "The Joy of Sex", the iconic 1970s book which became the bedroom (and elsewhere) bible for a generation, has been re-released in an updated version for the noughties.


The original book, featuring a bearded man and his partner demonstrating the art of love in intimate if sketchy detail, sold millions of copies after its first publication in 1972.

But the new edition has been brought fully up to date -- for the first time by a female author, who, while praising the original author Dr. Alex Comfort, says there was much that needed changing.

"Back in '72 they didn't know about hormones, about pheromones, they didn't know about certain body parts and their importance, which we now know," said author and relationship psychologist Susan Quilliam.

"A lot of research has been done. But also the whole attitude to sex has changed," she told AFP.

The new book is aimed at the couple, rather than just the men, and includes many new entries including advice on internet and phone sex, sex shops and intercourse during pregnancy.

Quilliam noted that some tips from the original had to be removed, because they were illegal.

"One of them was having sex on horseback, the other was having sex on a moving motorcycle, although I do include guidelines on how to have sex on a stationary motorcycle," she said.

The publishers of the new 288-page edition, Mitchell Beazley, said it would "reflect the current attitude to sex and help bring the joy back into sexual relationships."

"'The Joy of Sex' is ingrained in our consciousness; this book is to sex books what Hoover is to vacuum cleaner," it said in a statement.

The updated volume, described as a "gourmet's guide to sex," is illustrated with photos as well as new drawings depicting a smorgasbord of sexual positions and techniques.

In place of the bearded 1970s male, the new edition features a short-haired, clean-shaven lover smiling repeatedly in a variety of clinches with an equally joyous brunette partner, in one shot tickling his buttocks with her tongue.

"The bearded man was an icon -- but he was a 70s icon. This is a book for the 21st century, so we needed a man (and a woman) for the noughties, not for the seventies," said Quilliam.

"So, though I may reminisce about the bearded man, I don't miss him!," she added.

Public reaction to the new edition has been positive -- it was published on Monday, and by Thursday had reached number 299 in the bestseller list of online retailer Amazon's British website.

Britons, not known for their openness about sex, were divided on the updated tome, according to an anonymous straw poll conducted by AFP on a London street.

"I don't think you need a manual," said one young man, sheepishly looking at his partner. Asked if he thought it all came naturally he agreed: "Yeah, it's finding out about each other."

Another woman, standing next to her husband, was more forthright. "We're married now so that's the end of that," she said.




The new Joy of Sex: why you still need help in bed

Susan Quilliam talks to Celia Dodd about updating the Seventies sex classic and explains why know-it-all couples still need a helping hand in bed

The Joy of Sex by Alex Comfort is such a seminal book that even people who have never laid eyes on a copy know about the iconic bearded man and the saucy French terms, and the troubling references to vacuum cleaner injuries. When it was first published in 1972 the book didn't just reflect the new free-love, “anything goes as long as it doesn't hurt anyone” attitude to sex, it also helped to shape already changing attitudes. Since then it has been updated four times and has sold more than eight million copies in 14 countries.

Susan Quilliam, the agony aunt and psychologist who has completely updated the book for 2008, was 22 when it first came out and recalls how it touched a nerve. “The Joy of Sex was the first book I read which was sexually aspirational. Someone in my boyfriend's flat had a copy before he and I had ‘done it',” she says. “It was very useful. We did giggle but we also thought wow... All the bondage and S&M stuff was very revolutionary. In fact, one of my sadnesses in updating the book is that whatever I did I could never be as revolutionary.”

There's the rub. When the original was first published there was nothing else like it on the market: other sex manuals stuck with the science and ignored the pleasure. Quilliam's generation, caught between “parents who expected me to go to my wedding bed a virgin” and the new urgency about exploring sex, were hungry for enlightenment and inspiration.

The current climate could not be more different. Now there is almost too much advice, in books, on television and the internet; Ann Summers sells more than 1.2 million sex toys a year; and bondage on Footballers' Wives barely raises eyebrows. What purpose can be served by updating a period piece now that there are so many other great books about sex?

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Quilliam makes a good case. “I don't think there has ever been more need for education because we're living in a society which is far more sexualised than when Alex Comfort was writing,” she says. “At the same time, I know people in their thirties who still don't know about the importance of the clitoris.

“I think what a lot of the other material out there misses is how powerful sex is; people die for it, literally. One of the ways we've gone wrong in the past is that we haven't recognised this emotional power. Sex isn't a game - it's not pink and black and fluffy. So I think there still is a need for a book that takes sex seriously.”

Quilliam, 58, has perfect credentials for taking on Comfort's mantle. She offers advice on a number of websites and has written 18 books on love, sex and relationships. A former secondary school teacher, who taught sex education and English in Liverpool, she also ran a company producing personal and social education (PSE) materials for 20 years.

“I enjoy sex enormously”

She lives alone, above a shop in Cambridge, with two long-haired Balinese cats (“my princesses”). She is a workaholic, but four nights a week and on holidays to Argentina she dances tango (an appropriately fruity hobby for a sexpert), and finds there is no shortage of dance partners. When I ask about her sex life she looks momentarily evasive before briskly replying: “I enjoy sex enormously. I wouldn't be writing about it so enthusiastically if I didn't.”

She enjoys shocking “hardened gynaecologists” when she addresses medical conferences, and says: “My problem is I don't know when to keep my mouth shut. Recently I was in the pub and somebody said, ‘What is this thing about female ejaculation? I don't believe a word of it'. I said, ‘No honestly, it does exist, I know because I ejaculate', just as the whole pub went quiet. Luckily a group of guys was passing and one said very pleasantly, ‘Good for you girl, good for you'.”

Quilliam, who pronounces the word “sex” with the mildest Liverpudlian lisp, brings a much needed woman's touch to a book that was criticised by feminists because it was written almost entirely from a male perspective. There were, for example, just three references to the clitoris compared with an ample section on the penis. Then there is Comfort's old hippy take on porn, which he defined as “the name given to any sexual literature someone is trying to suppress”. And don't get me started on the “Buttered Bun”, when two men have sex with one woman.

It is a relief to see Quilliam pull a face when she mentions the bun thing, and Comfort's interest in group sex generally. He believed that within years there would be designated places where people could watch each other making love. In the post-Aids update of the book, a crestfallen Comfort described such behaviour as “suicidal”.

More emphasis on relationships

Quilliam's brief was to write the book Comfort would have written had he still been alive , so while she has retained the section on “Foursomes and Moresomes”, you can tell that she doesn't have the stomach for it. Only a few of the original entries have been ditched entirely: sex on a motorbike, the grope suit - Comfort's joke invention of a Scandin-avian garment that prompted continuous orgasm. There are 43 new sections, including phone sex, the internet, sex shops, and sex during pregnancy, and there is more emphasis on relationships.

What's missing is the often infuriating strid-ency that made the original so special. Comfort clearly felt he had to bang on “to cure the notion that common sex needs are odd or weird”. But his voice is as hard to ventriloquise as the sexual mood of the time. Quilliam puts her finger on it when she says: “Alex Comfort wrote the book on the back of the atmosphere I experienced in the late Sixties and early Seventies, of seeing sex as something like a big treasure box you were opening and taking out wonderful things. There was a real innocence. And an innocence of the hurt that can be done.”

It is hard to know whether Comfort would have regarded our highly sexualised society as progress. No doubt he would have applauded the mainstreaming of sex shops and the sheer volume of chat on the subject, but he would surely have been shocked by the paucity of sex education, a subject Quilliam cares about passionately. She would like schools to introduce weekly lessons about relationships. “Only 25 per cent of girls enjoy losing their virginity whereas the percentage is much higher for boys. That is down to biology but nobody ever tells the kids that,” she says. “Kids want the emotional relationship stuff and the negotiating skills - how to say no to someone who says ‘if you loved me you'd sleep with me'.”

She acknowledges another sobering stat: the Kinsey Institute says that contemporary women have less sex than their 1950s counterparts because they have so little uncommitted time. Sex has become yet another pressure for busy couples, along with the notion that to have good sex you need a perfect body. It's enough to make you feel nostalgic about the hippy pair in the original Joy of Sex, whose bodies were comfortingly average. Quilliam thinks that the bright young things in the new, in-your-face photographs are equally reassuring, but they look pretty perfect to me.

Yet Quilliam recognises that sex is just as anxious-making as it was pre-Comfort. “I'm glad I'm not ten years younger because there are an awful lot of pressures on young people: to look fabulous; to have a fabulous sex life,” she says. “We're living in a world where it's important to achieve and whether we have a good sex life has become one of our measures of personal validity. Alex Comfort took the emphasis off achievement - that is one of the many things he got right.”






我國中時應該是 199X 時,還記得那是一個新的健康教育老師,新老師充滿了理想與抱負。記得第一次上課的時候,新老師就跟我們說,當時風氣保守的台灣,國中健康教育課本雖然有兩章是講男女的生殖器官,但健康教育老師大多都跳過這兩章,要學生自己回家讀。新老師跟大家保證說她一定不會迴避,會在課堂教這兩章。


當時純真無暇完全不知道男生高潮是啥的 Mars 聽到這段,覺得很有疑問。



看到金賽在 193X 年就開始毫無顧忌,有問必答的上課,真覺得我國中時真是落後。當然了,金賽當時教的是已婚的大人們,我當時上課時才十幾歲。不過老實說,自從國中的健康教育課之後,除了高中看過幾堂錄影帶外,再也沒有在學校課堂上,受過任何性教育了。



男生沒有這個問題,不過一旦小弟弟生病了,上泌尿科的尷尬應該跟女生擺 M 字腿不相上下。要在陌生人面前寬衣解帶本來就不易,更不用說脫的是下半身了。









大家依序排著隊,穿著方便穿脫的運動褲,到布簾後方在醫生護士面前把長褲跟內褲脫掉,或許是看了太多,偶有「佳作」出現時,醫生精神一振:「ㄏㄡ,這以後生個一打絕對沒問題喔」然後護士小姐也會端詳一下,再給個鼓勵的眼神,那應該比考上建中還叫人開心吧?相對的,如果遇到 S 號的小弟弟時,醫生也不忘記要來個心戰喊話,沒關係,來日方【長】。




可是青春期的孩子們,好奇心求知欲跟他們狂飆的荷爾蒙一樣旺盛,像洪水一樣難以防堵,學校關上了閘門,他們絕對會找到其他出路去滿足自己的好奇心,坊間又沒有太多正確讀物可供選擇,相信也很少有前青春期的少年男女膽生毛,敢於去詢問關於生理常識/ 性教育書籍放置何處的,絕大部份的書店的店東員工態度都跟害羞的學校老師差不多,我一次瘋了開口問店員古典文學名著金瓶梅〈註4.〉置於何處,該女店員臉上一陣青一陣紅一陣白,像霓虹燈一樣變換顏色,混雜了震驚恐怖鄙夷,煞是好看,好半晌,才終於從齒縫裡擠出像蛇一樣的嘶嘶聲:「我們不賣『那種書』!」看,也不會有太大幫助。




BB:「我很失望 。」












但是不管這些書刊雜誌DVD是樂而不淫還是淫而不樂,或者是情色而非色情,拿來當做自我性教育的教材,都是錯誤示範,東洋片裡的AV女優總是一付不堪蹂躪的可憐相,嘴裡大喊不要不要,然而雙腿劈開一字馬、腰肢努力上挺以迎合對手,先不說別的,這種片子看多了的男生,一定學不會「NO Means NO」。





4.金瓶梅這本書實在是紀錄明代升斗小民生活的寫實小說,裡面對當時的食衣住行禮儀風俗有很詳細的描述,連當時的人如何偷情納妾敦倫都有,不過性愛場面僅只是書中的一小部分,像是實際生活一樣,而且想把金瓶梅當成色情書來讀的人,國學底子要很好才行,要不然,good luck啦。




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