檸檬汁或稱檸檬水(Lemonade)原本源於法國,不過在歐洲的Lemonade是指檸檬原汁加入開水(不加糖)或是加入蘇打水。傳到美國之後,開始瘋狂的改造並且發揚光大。在美國Lemonade種類繁多,除了Original Lemonade外,還有Pink Lemonade、Strawberry Lemonade、Green Lemonade,實在是目不暇給。這幾天洛杉磯真的熱過頭了,大家都來一杯富有維他命C的檸檬汁吧。







在美國,開始胡搞瞎搞,能夠拿來加的,都變成檸檬水的合成品了,最後連原本顏色都變了。在美國Lemonade原泛指加糖的檸檬水,在超市看到的Lemonade種類繁多,除了Original Lemonade外,還有Pink Lemonade、Strawberry Lemonade、Green Lemonade,實在是目不暇給。美國人瘋檸檬水,從小學生的攤位到Shopping Mall的店面,到處都可以看的到Lemonade 的蹤跡。

1 Head Organic Romaine Lettuce
2 Organic Fuji Apples
1 Organic Carrot
1 Organic Lemon
1 Organic Lime
Handful of Organic Spinach

pink lemondae = 粉紅色的檸檬汁
一壺 6人份的 pink lemondae 的泡製方法是:
  • 一又四分之一茶杯(Cup)的糖水
  • 四杯的冰水
  • 一杯的蔓越苺(Cranberry)果汁
  • 一杯檸檬汁

Strawberry Lemonade receipt:


  • 1  pint strawberries  
  • tablespoons plus 2 teaspoons superfine sugar  
  • 8  tablespoons freshly squeezed lemon juice  
  • Seltzer water

What’s Next:

Before squeezing juice from the lemons, roll them on the countertop, applying gentle pressure with the heel of your palm. This will really get the lemons’ juices flowing and make it easier to squeeze them. 
Purée strawberries and 2 teaspoons sugar in a blender. Set out two glasses, and spoon 3 tablespoons of the resulting strawberry purée, 4 tablespoons sugar, and 4 tablespoons lemon juice into each glass. Stir the lemonade, and add ice. Top off the glasses with seltzer water. Add more sugar if desired.  And that’s all, good work!


Lemonade is a lemon-flavored drink, typically made from lemons, water and sugar. Due to the contrast of sweet and sour, the resulting flavor can be very agreeable to the taste buds.
The term can refer to three different types of beverage:
"Clear" lemonade: In many western European countries, the term limonade, from which the term "lemonade" is derived, originally applied to unsweetened water or carbonated soda water with lemon juice added, although several versions of sugar sweetened limonade have arrived on store shelves.
"Cloudy" lemonade: In the U.S., Canada and India(Nimbu Paani) lemonade refers to a mixture of lemon juice, sugar, and uncarbonated water, although there are many versions which contain artificial flavors instead of actual lemon juice. In India, Nimbu Paani is a common household preperation, made using freshly squeezed lemons, granular sugar, salt(and other spices as per preferred taste) and is invariably consumed fresh.
"Fizzy" lemonade: In France, the modern use of the term limonade refers to sweet carbonated lemon soft drinks. Likewise, in the UK, Australia, and New Zealand the term mainly refers to a colourless, carbonated, sweet soft drink containing either natural or artificial lemon flavor, such as Schweppes Lemonade. In Sweden lemonad is synonymous with any carbonated soda, which means that even cola drinks could be offered to someone just asking for lemonad.
Contents [hide]
1 Terminology
2 Pink lemonade
3 Uses
4 See also
5 References
6 External links
[edit] Terminology
The French word limonade, which originally referred to unsweetened lemon-flavoured water or carbonated soda, has since come to mean "soft drink," regardless of flavor, in many countries.
In the UK, the suffix 'ade' means a 'carbonated sweet soft drink'; hence limeade, orangeade, cherryade, etc. Brown lemonade exists in the Northern Ireland region of the UK.
In the Republic of Ireland, lemonade refers to the carbonated, lemon-flavored soft drink (as in the UK) but is further sub-divided into white (clear) lemonade and red lemonade. White lemonade equates to the colourless fizzy lemonade common in many countries, while red lemonade is particular to Ireland. Red lemonade differs slightly in taste from white lemonade and is either drunk neat or as part of a whiskey mixer.
American-style lemonade exists in the UK as a "homemade" drink (also called lemonade), but is only rarely sold commercially under that name. A carbonated version is commonly sold commercially as "cloudy" or "traditional" lemonade. There are also similar uncarbonated products, lemon squash and lemon barley water, both of which are usually sold as a syrup which is diluted to taste. Traditional lemonade also comes in powder packages. Variations on this form of lemonade can be found worldwide. In India and Pakistan, where it is commonly known as limu paani or nimbu paani, lemonade may also contain salt and/or ginger juice. In Brazil, lemonade is sometimes made with full lemons (including the skin) instead of just lemon juice.
[edit] Pink lemonade
Pink lemonade is simply lemonade that has been dyed with pink coloring and is sometimes made sweeter. Sometimes artificial colorings are used; natural colorings can include grenadine[1], cherry juice, red grapefruit juice, grape juice, cranberry juice, strawberry juice, pink-fleshed Eureka lemon juice, or other juices.
The New York Times credited Henry E. "Sanchez" Allott as the inventor of pink lemonade in his obituary:
At 15 he ran away with a circus and obtained the lemonade concession. One day while mixing a tub of the orthodox yellow kind he dropped some red cinnamon candies in by mistake. The resulting rose-tinted mixture sold so surprisingly well that he continued to dispense his chance discovery.[2]
However, this is disputed by historian Joe Nickell, who claims that it was Pete Conklin who first invented the drink in 1857 when he used water dyed pink from a horse rider's red tights to make his lemonade.[3]
[edit] Uses
In the U.S., lemonade is usually sold as a summer refresher. It is commonly available at fairs and festivals, often as a "lemon shakeup" with the shell of the squeezed lemon left in the cup.[4] Lemonade was also the traditional mixer in a Tom Collins, but today it is commonly replaced by a bar mix.
UK-style lemonade and beer produce a shandy. Lemonade is also an important ingredient in the Pimm's Cup cocktail, and a popular drink mixer. As UK-style lemonade is a popular drink mixer, British & Australian visitors are often disappointed when they order a mixed drink in the U.S. and end up getting U.S.-style lemonade. American bartenders are also sometimes puzzled by the ordering of lemonade in some mixed drinks.
Many children start lemonade stands in U.S. neighborhoods to make money in the summer months. Usually a quarter is charged for one glass of lemonade. The computer game Lemonade Stand, created in 1979, simulates this business by letting players make various decisions surrounding a virtual stand.

這篇文章原本是三年前就應該放上部落格,因為三年前在Skype遇到一位匿名Lemonade的女孩,三年後這位年輕女孩不幸卻得了重病。希望過去的承諾 和 今日重新實踐,能換來她身體的康復,加油!

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