法國人說:「 冰咖啡, 不是給我們歐洲人喝的」
荷蘭人說:「對不起, 我們沒有冰咖啡, 我們從來不賣冰咖啡 ! 」
義大利人說: 「咖啡會涼囉 ! 請趁熱喝 !!」

在美國~~喝冰咖啡~no problem~就痛痛快快的暢飲吧。




星冰樂 (Frappuccino® BLENDED BEVERAGES)是一種非常清涼有勁、能帶給您清新感受的Starbucks 獨家販售的飲品。加上我們特殊美味的天然風味糖漿後口感更佳,然後在頂端覆蓋上滑順的鮮奶油,您一定要試試看。 星冰樂一共可分三大系列,若您喝過其中一種,一定會忍不住把所有的口味都喝過一遍,之後才能選出您最喜歡的口味,細細品嚐它。
Coffee Frappuccino® Blended Coffee
Mocha Frappuccino® Blended Coffee
Espresso Frappuccino® Blended Coffee
Caramel Frappuccino® Blended Coffee
Starbucks 咖啡星冰樂結合香濃的焦糖糖漿,頂端覆以柔滑的鮮奶油,並劃上焦糖醬做點綴,這是您夏日午後,好好寵愛自己的最佳選擇。
Java Chip Frappuccino® Blended Coffee
Caramel Java Chip Frappuccino® Blended Coffee
Vanilla Cream Frappuccino® BLENDED CREAM
Chocolate Cream Frappuccino® BLENDED CREAM
Starbucks 摩卡糖漿混合以滑順的牛奶調和成的巧克力牛奶饗宴。頂端覆以鮮奶油及巧克力線條裝飾,最適合巧克力愛好者的小小享受。
Green tea and Cream Frappuccino® BLENDED CREAM

二、7-ELEVEN 喝冰咖啡

夏季正值冰咖啡的銷售旺季,所以除了CITY CAFÉ的各類冰咖啡外,7-ELEVEN也希望藉由全新概念飲品,帶入更多新客層,故引進在美加地區深受20歲以上的年輕人及上班族喜愛的「思樂奇諾SLURPuccino」,由於它結合卡布奇諾咖啡及思樂冰創新口感,前所未有的口感,將會造成整個冰飲市場震撼。



三Dunkin' Donuts 喝冰咖啡


From 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. Thursday, customers can walk into any participating Dunkin' Donuts restaurant throughout the country and receive a free. cup of Dunkin' Donuts' original or flavored iced coffee, said Dunkin' Donuts, a coffee-and-baked-goods chain based in Customers will be encouraged to try Berry Berry Iced Coffee, which combines the seasonal tastes of blueberry and raspberry with Dunkin' Donuts' award-winning coffee, the chain said.As part of the one-day event, the company is donating $80,000 to the National Police Athletic League's Youth Leadership Program, a nonprofit organization that works with disadvantaged youth across the United States to emphasize the importance of community service and peer leadership, Dunkin' Donuts said.




LOS ANGELES, April 3, 2008 /PRNewswire/ -- Southern California
McDonald's(R) restaurants have expanded their Premium Roast Coffee menu
with new Iced Coffee, made with 100 percent roasted Arabica gourmet coffee
beans from South and Central America. On Thursday, April 3rd thru Sunday,
April 6th, participating restaurants in Los Angeles, Orange, Riverside, San
Bernardino and Ventura counties are giving away all day free eight ounce
cups of McDonald's Premium Roast Iced Coffee.

    "We are thrilled to offer customers our new Premium Roast Iced Coffee,"
said Ti Chang, McDonald's owner/operator and president of the McDonald's
Operator's Association of Southern California (MOASC). "Iced Coffee is a
great addition to our ever-expanding beverage selection, continuing our
tradition of providing guests with menu variety, choice and value."

    With McDonald's Premium Roast Coffee Customization, customers can order
Iced Coffee just the way they like it. Cream and sugar are added to each
Iced Coffee, so ordering is easier, faster and more convenient for people

    The new Premium Roast Iced Coffee comes in five flavors: Hazelnut,
Vanilla, Caramel, Sugar-Free Vanilla and Regular and is available in either
24-ounce or 32-ounce sizes for the suggested retail price of $1.89 or
$2.19. The new beverage lineup is currently offered at participating
Southern California McDonald's restaurants including Los Angeles, Orange,
Riverside, San Bernardino and Ventura Counties.

    MOASC is composed of more than 600 franchised and company-owned
restaurants in the counties of Los Angeles, Orange, Riverside, San
Bernardino and Ventura.


五、漢堡王(Burger King)喝冰咖啡

漢堡王為了與麥當勞相抗衡,也順勢推出 Mocha Joe,口味偏甜,不過老美可是愛得很。 

Do you love iced coffee and chocolate? Then you'll love the new Iced Mocha BK Joe from Burger King. It is one of the tastiest iced mochas I’ve ever tried. It has a bit of a feel of a java chip iced coffee, but with the added chocolate syrup taste. The brew is strong, but the chocolate flavor ties it down so anyone can enjoy it. I recommend it for adults, but don’t give it to children because its not a milkshake. I don’t like that they fill it with ice nearly to the top to make the tall cup seem like it has more than it does. It is filling, but not as thick as a frozen coffee made with ice cream. Sometimes drinking the full coffee makes me nauseous, so it should be shared with another person. At $1.99, it competes with the local Iced Coffee by Dunkin Donuts. Its worth a try, but hurry, because they will be out for only a limited time.




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