如果你喜歡靈魂樂(Soul)、節奏藍調(R&B)、嘻哈樂(Hip-Hop),就不要錯過這位洛杉磯出生的日美混血歌手A.I. 不像台灣星光大道的歌手,只憑著好歌喉就能大紅大紫;相反的,AI有著深厚的音樂涵養,憑著過去累積的經驗,和屹立不搖的精神,現在終於成為家喻戶曉的歌手,聽著她的歌,我們大家都會感受她的熱情,月底即將於洛杉磯演唱,可別錯過了。
2003年AI轉為加盟Def Jam Japan公司,推出新曲《最終宣告》。換公司後發行的首張專輯《ORIGINAL A.I.》,登上專輯排行榜第十五名。同年9月份在東京、大阪、名古屋和鹿兒島舉辦的巡迴演唱會也是場場爆滿。經過精心製作的2004年大碟《2004 A.I.》一經發行,便榮登專輯排行版第三名,並獲得該年度的“金碟大獎”。
無論是現場演唱會,還是全國巡迴演唱會《2004 A.I. CLUB TOUR》(5月至8月在全日本十六個城市舉行的十六場演出)、《2004 A.I. JAPAN TOUR》(9月至10月在全日本八個城市舉辦的十場演出),場場入場券都是全部售空。7月在韓國漢城舉行的《MTV buzz ASIA CONCERT》中,AI與安室美奈惠一起代表日本參加演出。8月在臺北舉行的臺北流行音樂節《TAIPEI MUSIC FESTIVAL》中,又與一青窈、藤木直人等著名藝人一起作為日本代表參加,使她在亞洲也越來越走紅。
2005年1月,AI的歌曲《ALIVE(英語版)》成為韓國電視劇《豪傑春香》中的插曲,這是韓國電視劇第一次採用日本歌手的曲目,受到世人的特別矚目。2月份AI與超人氣說唱歌手DELI共同製作新單曲《365 feat. DELI》,發行第一周便進入單曲CD排行榜的TOP 20。同月,紀錄片DVD《MACHIGAINAI》也開始發售,這是用一台攝像機緊隨AI,完整收錄她2004年後半年的所有活動的第一部個人影像作品。3月發行《蠟筆小新電影版》的主題歌《Crayon Beats》,受到各個年齡層聽眾的歡迎。5月發行的抒情歌曲《Story》面世第一周便占排行榜第8位,銷售成績達30萬張,下載200萬件,成為2005年的代表性作品。
在單曲CD走紅後,7月份推出的最新專輯《MIC-A-HOLIC A.I.》在第一周便登上排行版第4名,其後的銷售成績達50多萬張(2006年1月)。8月AI參加“SUMMER SONIC 05”(東京、大阪)等夏日慶典,同時,7月至8月在十五個城市舉辦的俱樂部巡迴演出“MIC-A-HOLIC A.I. CLUB TOUR’05”(觀眾達一萬人),10月又在七大城市舉辦的現場音樂巡迴演出“MIC-A-HOLIC A.I. JAPAN TOUR’05”(觀眾達二萬人),入場券均在發售當天售空,贏得各界人士的盛讚。
在年底,AI如願以償地首次出席了第56屆NHK紅白歌會。DVD《MIC-A-HOLIC A.I. JAPAN TOUR’05》完整收錄了AI在ZEPP TOKYO舉行的2005年最後一場現場演唱會,並於2006年1月出售。
2003年AI轉為加盟Def Jam Japan公司,推出新曲《最終宣告》。換公司後發行的首張專輯《ORIGINAL A.I.》,登上專輯排行榜第十五名。同年9月份在東京、大阪、名古屋和鹿兒島舉辦的巡迴演唱會也是場場爆滿。經過精心製作的2004年大碟《2004 A.I.》一經發行,便榮登專輯排行版第三名,並獲得該年度的“金碟大獎”。
無論是現場演唱會,還是全國巡迴演唱會《2004 A.I. CLUB TOUR》(5月至8月在全日本十六個城市舉行的十六場演出)、《2004 A.I. JAPAN TOUR》(9月至10月在全日本八個城市舉辦的十場演出),場場入場券都是全部售空。7月在韓國漢城舉行的《MTV buzz ASIA CONCERT》中,AI與安室美奈惠一起代表日本參加演出。8月在臺北舉行的臺北流行音樂節《TAIPEI MUSIC FESTIVAL》中,又與一青窈、藤木直人等著名藝人一起作為日本代表參加,使她在亞洲也越來越走紅。
2005年1月,AI的歌曲《ALIVE(英語版)》成為韓國電視劇《豪傑春香》中的插曲,這是韓國電視劇第一次採用日本歌手的曲目,受到世人的特別矚目。2月份AI與超人氣說唱歌手DELI共同製作新單曲《365 feat. DELI》,發行第一周便進入單曲CD排行榜的TOP 20。同月,紀錄片DVD《MACHIGAINAI》也開始發售,這是用一台攝像機緊隨AI,完整收錄她2004年後半年的所有活動的第一部個人影像作品。3月發行《蠟筆小新電影版》的主題歌《Crayon Beats》,受到各個年齡層聽眾的歡迎。5月發行的抒情歌曲《Story》面世第一周便占排行榜第8位,銷售成績達30萬張,下載200萬件,成為2005年的代表性作品。
在單曲CD走紅後,7月份推出的最新專輯《MIC-A-HOLIC A.I.》在第一周便登上排行版第4名,其後的銷售成績達50多萬張(2006年1月)。8月AI參加“SUMMER SONIC 05”(東京、大阪)等夏日慶典,同時,7月至8月在十五個城市舉辦的俱樂部巡迴演出“MIC-A-HOLIC A.I. CLUB TOUR’05”(觀眾達一萬人),10月又在七大城市舉辦的現場音樂巡迴演出“MIC-A-HOLIC A.I. JAPAN TOUR’05”(觀眾達二萬人),入場券均在發售當天售空,贏得各界人士的盛讚。
在年底,AI如願以償地首次出席了第56屆NHK紅白歌會。DVD《MIC-A-HOLIC A.I. JAPAN TOUR’05》完整收錄了AI在ZEPP TOKYO舉行的2005年最後一場現場演唱會,並於2006年1月出售。
2008年2月開始,AI將展開32場名為「Don’t Stop A,I. Japan Tour」並決定在一月三十一日選擇出生地洛杉磯唯一一場的海外演唱,要訂票的民眾可要加快腳步。
"A.I." - Elements of SOUL, R&B, HIP-HOP, and DANCE combine and formulate the "QUEEN OF HIP-HOP SOUL" = AI. AI was born in LA on November 2, 1981 between Japanese Father and 1/2 Japanese, 1/2 Italian-American mother. She moved to Kagoshima, Japan due to her fatherfs business. Since then, she has been traveling back and forth between Japan and the United States.
AI learned singing and dancing in LA on professional level, and she was featured on Janet Jacksonfs promotion video of "GO DEEP" as one of the back dancers. Returned to Japan in the year 2000, she made a major label debut as a singer. In 2003, AI transferred a label to DefJam Japan and released a single "LAST WORDS (SAISHU-SENKOKU)." A ballad single, "Story," was released in May 2005. The song ranked #8 on a single sales chart, sold a total of 300 thousand copies, had 3.5 million downloads, and became a song to represent 2005. An album released that same year, "MIC-A-HOLIC A.I." was ranked #4 on the first week and sold over 500 thousand copies. On the New Yearfs Eve of 2006, AI made an appearance on a prestigious national TV program, "56th Annual KO HAKU UTAGASSEN" on NHK.
In 2007, a single "I'll Remember You / BRAND NEW DAY" was released in July. AI made appearances on stages of summer music festivals such as Rock In Japan Festival and Summer Sonic in August and September. Her latest single "ONE" released in November has been aired on a FUJI-TV drama series, "IRYU Team Medical Dragon 2," as its theme song.
AI will be releasing her new album "DON'T STOP A.I." in December, and that will be a prologue to "DON'T STOP A.I. Japan Tour" starting February 2008 which includes 32 shows nationwide and caters to 100 thousand audiences.
Pursuing ORIGINALITY at all times, AI leads the generation without a stop. With supports from a wide range of audience, it is certain that AI will attract worldwide attention.
**Get ready for her very first LA Live in concert opening up the tour 2008! A.Ifs premium Los Angeles live-LA's own original story only at El Rey Theatre Los Angeles. Donft miss it!!!
Official Web Site: http://www.universal-music.co.jp/ai/Info Line:fs very first Live in L.A.
Items not allowed: Outside Drinks, Food, Bad vibes, Markers, Gang Atire, Weapons, Video Cameras, Liquids, Gum and Candy.
Event Capacity: 771
5515 Wilshire Blvd.
Los Angeles, CA 90036 United States(310) 936-8557, (310) 927-5727
Doors Open at: 7:00 PM
Doors Close at: 12:30 AM
Will Call for Ticket Pick-up Closes at: 11:00 PM
Ages: All Ages
Remember to bring: Bring your enthusiasm! Just get ready for the AI
AI learned singing and dancing in LA on professional level, and she was featured on Janet Jacksonfs promotion video of "GO DEEP" as one of the back dancers. Returned to Japan in the year 2000, she made a major label debut as a singer. In 2003, AI transferred a label to DefJam Japan and released a single "LAST WORDS (SAISHU-SENKOKU)." A ballad single, "Story," was released in May 2005. The song ranked #8 on a single sales chart, sold a total of 300 thousand copies, had 3.5 million downloads, and became a song to represent 2005. An album released that same year, "MIC-A-HOLIC A.I." was ranked #4 on the first week and sold over 500 thousand copies. On the New Yearfs Eve of 2006, AI made an appearance on a prestigious national TV program, "56th Annual KO HAKU UTAGASSEN" on NHK.
In 2007, a single "I'll Remember You / BRAND NEW DAY" was released in July. AI made appearances on stages of summer music festivals such as Rock In Japan Festival and Summer Sonic in August and September. Her latest single "ONE" released in November has been aired on a FUJI-TV drama series, "IRYU Team Medical Dragon 2," as its theme song.
AI will be releasing her new album "DON'T STOP A.I." in December, and that will be a prologue to "DON'T STOP A.I. Japan Tour" starting February 2008 which includes 32 shows nationwide and caters to 100 thousand audiences.
Pursuing ORIGINALITY at all times, AI leads the generation without a stop. With supports from a wide range of audience, it is certain that AI will attract worldwide attention.
**Get ready for her very first LA Live in concert opening up the tour 2008! A.Ifs premium Los Angeles live-LA's own original story only at El Rey Theatre Los Angeles. Donft miss it!!!
Official Web Site: http://www.universal-music.co.jp/ai/Info Line:fs very first Live in L.A.
Items not allowed: Outside Drinks, Food, Bad vibes, Markers, Gang Atire, Weapons, Video Cameras, Liquids, Gum and Candy.
Event Capacity: 771
5515 Wilshire Blvd.
Los Angeles, CA 90036 United States(310) 936-8557, (310) 927-5727
Doors Open at: 7:00 PM
Doors Close at: 12:30 AM
Will Call for Ticket Pick-up Closes at: 11:00 PM
Ages: All Ages
Remember to bring: Bring your enthusiasm! Just get ready for the AI